Product Feedback

Please provide the information requested below when submitting your product feedback. Areas indicated with an asterisk (*) are required data entry fields and must be completed to submit this Product Feedback Form.


Customer Contact Name

Company Address
Describe patient/user’s current status and whether medical intervention was required
Was the procedure completed successfully?
Was there any additional medical or surgical intervention required?
Was this device used on a Hologic System?
Is the device in question available for investigation and analysis?
Has the product been used on a patient or is it contaminated in any way? NOTE: Do not ship contaminated product back to Hologic prior to receiving a biohazard container
What address would you like the return kit shipped to? The return kit will include a biohazard container when contaminated products are being returned.
What address would you like the return kit shipped to? The return kit will include a biohazard container when contaminated products are being returned. 
Shipping Details:
Master template